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The tools we use
We believe that creating a strong brand begins with a clear understanding of who you are, what you stand for, and who you want to be. We often see a gap between the current and ideal situation. Therefore, we believe it is important to first determine where we are today and then look at what direction we want to go. We have been using this for 20 years workshops and models in which we work with you to reflect on your identity and goals.
0. Roadmap

1. Business Model Canvas
With comma and Osterwalder's Business Model Canvas, you will build a business plan based on nine building blocks. It defines your business, revenue model, added value, customers, relationships and suppliers in a clear way.

2. Corporate strategy
To get a clear vision for your corporate strategy, Treacy and Wiersema identify three different value disciplines: operational excellence, product leadership and customer intimacy. You will undoubtedly focus your business operations on the strategy that prevails for you, but make sure not to lose sight of the other two either. It will make you stand out from your competitors.

3. The Golden Circle
Simon Sinek's ‘Golden Circle’ clearly maps out why certain companies become so successful. The model consists of three circles that clarify the what, how and why of a company. Inspiring companies succeed in translating their ‘why’ to the target group and propagate their values. Because people don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it.

4. Meaningful Marketing framework
Customers continue to expect more from companies. It is therefore crucial as a brand to have a clear vision, mission, and purpose. It is even more important to embody that vision authentically. The Meaningful Marketing Framework is a useful tool that can serve as a steppingstone for companies to reflect on their current positioning and the positioning that they want to achieve.

5. Positioning
Do you lack a strong marketing strategy and clear positioning? What does your company stand for? With our brand model, comma dissects many different aspects to discover the true essence of your brand and company, and distinguish yourself uniquely in the market.

6. Communication style
To determine your communication style, we use a brand wheel that is based on Jung's archetypes. His universally recognisable personality types are closely linked to marketing, advertising and communication. Once you choose the archetype of your target group authentically and purposefully, you will be able to adapt your communication style accordingly and appeal to your target group optimally.

7. Personas
By putting yourself in the shoes of your ideal customer target group, comma defines different personas that symbolically represent your target group. This technique provides insight into their needs, interests, behaviour and how you can best respond to that.

8. Customer journey
With customer journey mapping, comma minutely maps out how your target group interacts with your brand. With our analysis of the various touchpoints and channels through which your target group communicates with you, we discover growth opportunities.

9. Product/market analysis
Do you want to know in which products and markets you should or should not invest? To do so, comma analyses your brand’s product/market mix, using the Ansoff and BCG (Boston Consulting Group) matrices. We also examine your online product offering via SEO and Google Analytics.

10. Communication plan
A good communication plan uses multiple channels in a cross-medial way. It can resort to your own media resources and paid communication, but also include organically-grown and free publicity from customers. Effective planning of 'owned/bought/earned' media creates a clear communication plan.

11. Social media plan
Social media offers any company great opportunities to reach a wider audience. But managing socials properly is a full-time job: it requires a long-term strategy and you need to post regularly. With our social media grid that consists of a clear plan and a predetermined content calendar, we deliver structure and peace of mind, allowing you to focus on your day-to-day business.

12. Balanced Scorecard
With comma and a Balanced Scorecard you will translate the unique strategic goals of your company into clear, concrete and measurable parameters. These KPIs focus on four angles: financial, customer, internal operations and development and growth.

13. Hero Hub Help model
A thoughtful content planning is crucial. The Hero-Hub-Help model is a simple and effective tool for shaping this content planning. It helps to structure according to three categories linked to the target audience and possible communication channels to distribute the respective content.